Letter to Employee Advising of Stand Down

As an employer, you may stand down staff temporarily if they can’t continue to be usefully employed because of reasons beyond your control – in the current climate it is due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It means the business can implement a stoppage of work and stop all or some employees working and being paid, but they’re still employed by the company and have entitlements. Stand down is different from making a person redundant or being terminated. In Australia, employers can ask their employees to stand down from their position temporarily. This means that the employee's pay is suspended, and they cannot work. An employee may be selected to stand down due to circumstances that are beyond the control of their employer. Typically, employees are informed of this decision in writing with a stand down letter. The HR Expert Australia Letter to Employee Advising of Stand Down details the reason(s) for the stand down, as well as the duration. As an HR Expert Australia member, you’ll enjoy access to hundreds of templates and resources. Additionally, you can access a complete suite of HR tools to use to optimise processes and streamline efforts. We make it easy and affordable to manage HR functions. Whether you employ 50 or 500, we have solutions that reduce time-intensive tasks and help you focus on what matters: recruiting, retention, and developing a strong company culture.