Abandonment of Employment Termination Letter

The HR Expert Australia abandonment of employment termination letter is to confirm the employer has concluded that the employee no longer intends to be bound by the employment agreement due to abandonment of employment and has been terminated.

Abandonment of Employment Termination Letter

An employee’s ongoing failure to attend work and respond to inquiries may constitute a termination of the employee’s employment. In such circumstances where an employee fails to come to work with no explanation, the employer will be reasonably entitled to conclude that the employee no longer wishes to be bound by the employment agreement. As an employer, you should first attempt to contact the employee to find out the reasons for the absence.

You need to ask for an explanation and inform the employee that if they fail to respond within a specified timeframe, it will be deemed that the employee has terminated their employment. You must ensure you have sent an abandonment of employment letter, and if you get no reply by the specified date, a letter of termination should be sent to the employee.

What to include in the letter?

Start off by mentioning the date from which the employee has been absent from work. Explain that as the absence has not been approved and the employee did not respond to any of your emails, letters or calls, and the company has determined that the employee has abandoned their position. Describe the policy on job abandonment according to which you are terminating their employment (for an employee employed under a Modern Award, ensure you refer to the clause in the Award).

Ask the employee to immediately notify if there are any extenuating circumstances surrounding their absence. Otherwise, it will be concluded that the employee has abandoned their employment. The task of writing such a letter with every key detail can be quite intimidating. The HR Expert Australia template letter outlines all the details required for the abandonment of employment termination.

Key Points

  • Date of last day of approved leave or last day of work
  • Policy on job abandonment
  • Description of the reasons for termination
  • Date of termination

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