Letter to Complainant Regarding Workplace Investigation
HR Expert Australia template letter to the Complainant Regarding the Workplace Investigation.
Letter to Complainant Regarding Workplace Investigation
As an employer, you need to deal with both formal and informal investigations. Whether it is serious allegations of harassment, bullying, discrimination or any kind of wrongdoing, you have to go through a detailed investigation to ensure legal compliance.
In any workplace investigation, you need to follow a thoroughly documented process, ensuring full procedural fairness. A formal letter is an effective way to convey the investigation process. This template letter to the complainant will contain a summary of their complaint, which is the subject of the investigation.
What to include in the letter?
Start by conveying to the complainant that you are taking their complaint seriously, and detail what investigation process will entail. Then, enclose a summary of their complaint. You have to effectively express that the organisation will be taking steps to address the allegations, whilst protecting the employee from victimisation and confidentiality.
Key points to remember
- Summarise the employee complaint in writing, outlining the steps that will be taken
- Provide a brief executive summary of the issue
- Detail the time and location of the investigation interview
- Discuss confidentiality
- Offer Employee Assistance Program counselling and support
Why Choose HR Expert Australia?
Having professionally designed templates, letters, forms and checklists can save you time. To help you manage investigations quickly and easily while running your business, HR Expert Australia offers fully customisable investigation letter templates. Designed to meet all of your professional HR management processes, procedures, and documentation, each of our templates is easy to use and up-to-date. For unlimited access to our comprehensive templates, subscribe to our premium membership.