Letter to Employee – Request to Attend Meeting Regarding Proposed Dismissal (For cause)
Template Letter requesting an employee to attend a meeting regarding their proposed dismissal (for cause) from the Company
Letter to Employee – Request to Attend a Discipline Meeting Regarding Proposed Dismissal (For Cause)
If an employee is continuously displaying poor performance, behaviour or conduct, you need to take strict action. When the verbal and final warning letter doesn’t work, an employer is often left with no option other than the dismissal of their employee. When the dismissal of an employee is proposed, the company needs to conduct a meeting regarding the proposed termination. A formal letter needs to be given to the employee to notify them of the meeting and the proposal, giving them a full opportunity to respond.
What to include in the letter?
Begin with notifying the employee that they are required to attend a formal meeting to discuss their proposed dismissal. Provide the details of what has occurred and include any information the employee has already provided to date, including the reasons that have led to the decision. Describe the reasons in detail and make sure it is specific. Describe the relevant expectations that were not met to date.
Provide the date and time of the meeting and also convey that the company is very concerned about the seriousness of this ongoing matter. Inform the employee they will be required to share their views and response to the proposed dismissal along with all of the allegations. They should also be given an opportunity to bring a support person.
Key Points
- Describe the reason behind the proposal
- Detail the purpose of the meeting
- Include details of relevant policies and benchmarks the employee has failed to meet
- Include previous warnings, informal, formal, verbal and written
- Allow the person to bring a support person
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