Email, Telephone and Internet Policy

The purpose of this policy is to regulate and provide guidelines on the proper use of Corporate Email, Telephone and Internet facilities by Employees for their intended purposes without infringing legal requirements, policies or creating unnecessary business risk.

Email, Telephone and Internet Policy

Internet, emails, and telephone make the workplace communication more efficient and effective. But the unacceptable use of these resources can place the company at risk. Hence the employees need to be encouraged to use them appropriately. Email, telephone and internet policy outlines the rules and regulation of a company regarding the usage of these resources. An effective policy helps the employees to understand what is expected of them. It defines the organization’s guidelines for acceptable use of the Internet, e-mail and telephone system.

What should the policy include?

The policy should be clear and written in non-technical language. Put each rule into context and make it more understandable for both technical and non-technical staff alike. It should include the policy regarding personal internet use. The access of violent, abusive or hate sites and pornographic should be banned. The use of the network to harass other people or to post online confidential material should be unacceptable. The use of sites that are deemed to be a security risk should be prohibited. The employees should not be allowed to put the company at risk of litigation for copyright infringement by downloading videos or software illegally. The frequency, duration, and volume of the personal telephone calls should not interfere with on-going work duties nor distract fellow employees. The policy should clearly define that abuse of these privileges may lead to disciplinary action.

Key Points

  • Software access rights and procedure
  • Company owned equipment usage
  • Internet usage
  • Social media
  • Email usage
  • Telephone usage

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