Performance Management
Business Performance Management Templates
Find all the templates you’ll ever need to manage staff performance in one convenient place.
HR Expert’s performance management library provides you with all the templates, coaching and warning letters, documents, guides and resources you will need to manage your employees’ performance at work.
Template Conversation Scripts
Managing Poor Performance or Conduct Meeting Script
Template Conversation Scripts
A Script for Managing Poor Performance or Conduct at Work. Communicating effectively with employees that are displaying poor performance or conduct is important. Most managers dread talking about performance problems with their employees. But surveys show that employees actually value negative feedback when it’s delivered constructively. So, your employee may be…
Performance Counselling
Letter to Employee – Invitation to a Performance Counselling Session
Performance Counselling
Performance Counselling Invite - this HR Expert Australia template letter can be used when inviting an employee to attend a Performance Counselling meeting.
Letter to Employee – Performance Counselling Outcome Confirmation
Performance Counselling
Performance Counselling Outcome template letter. Business leaders should use this letter to confirm the outcome and action required after a Performance Counselling meeting with an employee.
Company Rules
Performance Management Policy
Company Rules
The purpose of this policy is to improve organisational, functional, team and individual performances. Effective performance management measures the progress being made towards the achievement of the organisation's business objectives.
Grievance Management
Handling an Employee Grievance Flowchart
Grievance Management
The HR Expert Australia Handling an Employee Grievance Flowchart details the steps to take when handling an employee grievance in the workplace.
Grievance Resolution Checklist
Grievance Management
The HR Expert Australia Grievance Resolution Checklist is used to effectively manage employee grievances and disputes in the workplace.
Grievance Investigation Outcome Letter
Grievance Management
Letter to complainant regarding grievance investigation outcome.
Grievance Investigation Process Letter
Grievance Management
Letter to complainant regarding grievance investigation process.
Grievance Report Form
Grievance Management
Use this grievance report form to capture all the required information from the complainant.
Grievance Resolution Flowchart
Grievance Management
The HR Expert Australia grievance resolution flowchart is used to effectively manage the step by step employee grievance procedure in the workplace.
Grievance Policy and Procedure
Grievance Management
Grievances are concerns, problems or complaints that employees raise with their employer. The HR Expert Australia grievance procedure sets out the process that a company should follow when raising or handling a grievance at work.