Policies & Procedures
HR Policy & Procedure Templates
Find all the HR policies and procedures you’ll ever need in one convenient place.
HR Expert template policies and procedures allow you to tailor policies and procedures for your organisation that are up-to-date and legally compliant.
All HR Expert Policies and Procedures are legally compliant to Australian laws, regulations and standards on Employment, Employment Relations, and Workplace Health and Safety. You don’t need to be an expert in policy and procedure development. Simply follow our template guides for expert advice.
How to Implement
How To Implement Workplace Policies and Procedures
How to Implement
One of the main purposes of a workplace policy is to communicate to employees what is your company standard and how they should behave or perform.
Employee Relations
Flexible Working Policy
Employee Relations
This Flexible Working policy sets out both the employee and line manager responsibilities, defines who is entitled and eligible to apply, and how the employer will assess requests and make a decision. This example template policy provides Eligible employees (defined in this document) with a more generous framework for requesting…
Working from Home Policy
Employee Relations
This Working from Home policy sets out both the employee and line manager responsibilities, work health safety requirements and also contains a working from home schedule, a self-assessment checklist, a template agreement and an asset and equipment list.
Pay & Payroll
Payroll New Starters
Pay & Payroll
Follow the steps in this payroll process for new starters to be set up in payroll. This process starts after a staff member has been offered a position at your organisation.
Payroll Leavers
Pay & Payroll
Ensuring a terminated staff member is removed from the payroll system in a timely manner is a key management responsibility and may have serious financial implications on the organisation is this duty is neglected.
Payroll Variations and Changes
Pay & Payroll
This payroll policy and procedure is an essential guide for line managers to ensure all staff members are paid correctly and in a timely manner.
Mental Health at Work Policy
Creating a mentally healthy workplace is crucial for employee wellbeing and overall business success. HR Expert Australia provides a comprehensive Mental Health at Work Policy designed to support your team and foster a positive, productive work environment.
CSR Environment Policy Statement
This Policy Statement recognises the importance to customers and the wider community of implementing responsible environmental management systems at the corporate level into our day to day activities and long term transactions.
Company WHS Policy Statement
This Policy Statement sets out the companies commitment to persons at its workplace in respect of Work Health Safety (WHS) and what it expects of employees, contractors and managers in order to ensure this commitment is achieved and legislative obligations discharged.
Appearance and Behaviour Policy
The purpose of this policy is to regulate and provide guidelines on standards of appearance and behaviour in the workplace.
Social Activities Policy
The purpose of this policy is to regulate and provide guidelines on employee behaviour during company social activities. The company expects all staff to remain professional and respectful of their fellow colleagues, clients, suppliers and customers at all times.
Confidential Information (Clean Desk) Policy
A clean desk policy is a corporate directive that specifies how employees should leave their working space when they leave the office. Most clean desk policies require employees to clear their desks of all papers at the end of the day.
Email, Telephone and Internet Policy
The purpose of this policy is to regulate and provide guidelines on the proper use of Corporate Email, Telephone and Internet facilities by Employees for their intended purposes without infringing legal requirements, policies or creating unnecessary business risk.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct details the legal and ethical obligations and expectations of all staff to act in accordance with the expressed standards of conduct, integrity and accountability contained in relevant legislation, Company policies and Agreements.
Performance Management
Probation Review & Probation Dismissal Policy
Performance Management
This policy sets out how to manage the probation period and how to terminate when things don't work out. Employment contracts will often contain provisions for a probationary period – an initial period of service during which time both you and the employee can decide whether you want the employment…
Discipline & Termination Policy
Performance Management
Termination is when an employee’s employment with an employer ends. This policy sets out to regulate and provide guidelines on discipline and termination of employment.
No Show and Unauthorised Absence Policy
Performance Management
This policy sets out to regulate and provide guidelines where an employee is absent from duty and leave was not authorised.
Workplace Bullying Policy
Performance Management
Workplace bullying is defined as repeated and unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or a group of workers that creates a risk to health and safety. This policy aims to protect organisations from bullying in the workplace.
Grievance Policy and Procedure
Performance Management
Grievances are concerns, problems or complaints that employees raise with their employer. The HR Expert Australia grievance procedure sets out the process that a company should follow when raising or handling a grievance at work.
Performance Management Policy
Performance Management
The purpose of this policy is to improve organisational, functional, team and individual performances. Effective performance management measures the progress being made towards the achievement of the organisation's business objectives.
Resourcing & Development
Equal Employment Opportunities Policy
Resourcing & Development
This aim of this policy is to confirm your organisations commitment to equal employment opportunity principles, developing and implementing equal opportunity strategies within your company.
Reference Check Policy
Resourcing & Development
The reference check is a very useful tool in the selection process. It is used to confirm the applicant’s overall employment record and performance and it assists the selection committee to determine the applicant’s suitability for the position.
Training & Development Policy
Resourcing & Development
This policy covers on the job training, setting out the organisations commitment to ensuring that all on the job staff training and development is accessible and available to all staff at all levels.
Background Check Policy
Resourcing & Development
The employee background check policy is to regulate and provide guidelines for investigating a job candidates’ background as part of a companies hiring process.
Redundancy Policy
Resourcing & Development
The redundancy policy sets out the conditions under which employees can be made redundant and covers all the issues surrounding these procedures.
Recruitment Approval Policy
Resourcing & Development
Recruitment approval is used to initiate the recruitment and selection process. The recruitment approval process should include authorisation by all levels of management and once authorisation has been confirmed by Human Resources, the recruitment and selection process can commence.
Recruitment Policy
Resourcing & Development
The HR Expert Australia recruitment policy provides a framework, structure and standard for all company hiring managers engaged in the recruitment and selection of new employees.