Checklists, Forms and Flowcharts

Human Resources (HR) Checklists, Forms and Flowcharts | HR Expert

Find all the Human Resources (HR) Checklists, Forms and Flowcharts you’ll ever need to manage HR in your business in one convenient place. Use HR Expert’s templates to create up-to-date, legally compliant HR checklists, forms and flowcharts for your organisation to help you manage a wide range of day to day HR tasks.

Checklists help you to follow a process, make sure you don’t forget anything important and stay compliant. Instead of making you write your own, you can use one of HR Expert’s HR Checklists, Forms and Flowcharts we’ve prepared for you as a basis, and either take it as it is or modify it for your business. All of our standardised HR documents, templates and forms can be implemented in your organisation immediately. You need to be a member to download the legally compliant HR templates and HR documents. Your Membership with HR Expert gives you access to HR resources and HR documents on the site when you need it.

Flexible Working
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Letter Approving Flexible Working Arrangement
Flexible Working
The HR Expert Australia Letter Approving Flexible Working Arrangement template is used by employers to accept and confirm a request for flexible working arrangements in writing.
Letter Refusing a Request for Flexible Work Arrangements
Flexible Working
This template letter is used to refuse a request for flexible work arrangements by employers that are required to respond in writing when refusing an employees request for flexible working arrangements.
Letter Approving Trial Period of Flexible Working Arrangement
Flexible Working
The HR Expert Australia letter approving a trial period of flexible working arrangement template is used to respond to a request for flexible working arrangements under an initial trial period to assess the arrangement first.
Employment Letters
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Letter to Employee Advising of Stand Down
Employment Letters
As an employer, you may stand down staff temporarily if they can’t continue to be usefully employed because of reasons beyond your control – in the current climate it is due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It means the business can implement a stoppage of work and stop…
HR Procedure Flowcharts
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Ending Employment (Termination) Flowcharts
HR Procedure Flowcharts
The HR Expert Australia Ending Employment Termination Flowcharts detail the four most common ways to end (terminate) an employee(s) employment in an easy to follow, step by step process.
Reference Check Flowchart
HR Procedure Flowcharts
The HR Expert Australia Reference Check Flowchart details the reference check process prior to an offer of employment.
Recruitment Flowchart
HR Procedure Flowcharts
The HR Expert Australia Recruitment Flowchart lists all the steps to follow when conducting the recruitment process.
Probation Dismissal Flowchart
HR Procedure Flowcharts
The HR Expert Australia Probation Dismissal Flowchart details the best practice stages to follow when a new employee is not working out in their probation period.
Handling an Employee Grievance Flowchart
HR Procedure Flowcharts
The HR Expert Australia Handling an Employee Grievance Flowchart details the steps to take when handling an employee grievance in the workplace.
No Show And Unauthorised Absence Flowchart
HR Procedure Flowcharts
The HR Expert Australia No Show And Unauthorised Absence Flowchart details the steps an employer should take when handling an unauthorised work absence.
Discipline & Termination Flowchart
HR Procedure Flowcharts
The HR Expert Australia Discipline & Termination Flowchart details the discipline, warning and termination process in an easy to follow, step by step process.
Injury Notification Flowchart
HR Procedure Flowcharts
The HR Expert Australia Injury Notification Flowchart outlines the steps to follow in the instance of an employee injury or incident in the workplace.
Workers Compensation Injury Notification Flowchart
HR Procedure Flowcharts
The HR Expert Australia Workers Compensation Injury Notification Flowchart suggests the steps to follow in the instance of an employee injury at work resulting in a workers compensation claim.
Notification of Injury Flowchart
HR Procedure Flowcharts
The HR Expert Australia notification of injury flowchart outlines the steps to follow in the instance of an employee injury at the workplace.
Grievance Resolution Flowchart
HR Procedure Flowcharts
The HR Expert Australia grievance resolution flowchart is used to effectively manage the step by step employee grievance procedure in the workplace.
HR Forms
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Employee of the Month Nomination Form
HR Forms
Template Employee of the Month Nomination Form aligned to company values.
Time in Lieu Record Form
HR Forms
This form is to be completed to record time in lieu accrued and taken.
Grievance Report Form
HR Forms
Use this grievance report form to capture all the required information from the complainant.
Internal Training Request Form
HR Forms
This form is to be completed by team members requesting to attend an internal training course.
Letter of Employment (Statement of Service)
HR Forms
A Letter of Employment (also known as a Statement of Service) is a simple document which confirms that an employee is/was employed and provides brief details regarding their employment.
Leave Request Form
HR Forms
This form is for employees to use when applying to take leave from the workplace, including annual leave, unpaid leave, community service leave or long service leave or when returning from personal / carer's leave.
HR Checklists
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Implementing a Drug and Alcohol Policy Checklist
HR Checklists
The HR Expert Australia Implementing a Drug and Alcohol Policy Checklist will guide you through the essential steps to follow when implementing a drug and alcohol policy in your workplace.
Hazard Checklist
HR Checklists
The HR Expert Australia hazard checklist, also known as a hazard assessment form, is a tool used by safety officers in performing hazard assessments.
Selection Panel Checklist
HR Checklists
Selection panel checklist of responsibilities. The selection panel template includes a full list of important tasks that selection panel members are expected to carry out during the hiring process.
Recruitment Checklist Template
HR Checklists
Hiring new talent for your organisation is as easy or difficult as the process you follow when recruiting. Since one bad hire is enough to induce a serious amount of pain, it’s essential to lay down your recruitment process carefully.  
New Employee Onboarding Checklist
HR Checklists
HR Expert Australia’s onboarding checklist template for supervisors will ensure you stay legal and compliant whilst covering off everything crucial in the onboarding process. From before the new employee begins, through to their first month on the job, to the completion of the first year successfully. Download your copy today.
Grievance Resolution Checklist
HR Checklists
The HR Expert Australia Grievance Resolution Checklist is used to effectively manage employee grievances and disputes in the workplace.

Welcome to Human Resource Expert (HR Expert) Australia The Online HR Checklists, Forms and Flowcharts Resource Centre

HR Expert Checklists and Flowcharts Library: Use HR Expert’s templates to create up-to-date, legally compliant HR checklist templates and HR flowcharts for your organisation to help you manage a wide range of day to day HR tasks.

Our online HR resource centre includes a wide range of practical checklists to help employers assess their HR risks and identify key objective to improving HR compliance and performance improvement. Our Online HR Checklists, Forms and Flowcharts Resource library include:

HR Checklists

  • Recruitment Checklist
  • Selection Panel Checklist
  • Grievance Resolution Checklist
  • New Employee Onboarding Checklist
  • Implementing a Drug and Alcohol Policy Checklist

HR Procedure Flowcharts

  • Discipline & Termination Flowcharts
  • No Show And Unauthorised Absence Flowcharts
  • Handling an Employee Grievance Flowcharts
  • Probation Dismissal Flowcharts
  • Recruitment Flowchart
  • Reference Check Flowchart

Employment Forms

  • Leave Request Form
  • Letter of Employment (Statement of Service)
  • Time in Lieu Record Form
  • Internal Training Request Form

Why you need to work with HR Expert..

  1. HR Expert Membership provides you full and immediate access to our people management and HR resources, unmatched in Australia.
  2. HR Expert’s comprehensive collection of HR policies, HR procedures, HR documents, HR templates and best practice guides that can be easily tailored to your business.
  3. HR Expert saves time for both business owners and HR professionals.
  4. HR Expert membership saves you money because you gain access to a vast collection of HR tools, resources and advice.
  5. HR Expert Members have easy and instant access to everything you need. No waiting necessary.
  6. HR Expert membership fees are fully tax deductible.
  7. Companies without in-house HR professionals can still manage their HR function using tools and resources available on HR expert.
  8. All our HR documents and resources are updated in line with legislation and government changes; leaving you to focus on running your business.

HR Expert Membership Helps You in All Aspects of People Management:

  • Recruit and Select new staff with confidence.
  • Tailor contracts and other HR documentation with ease.
  • Create a professional impression on existing staff and new recruits.
  • Implement effective Performance Management Processes.
  • Establish effective workplace relations.
  • Ensure compliance with labour laws and regulations.
  • Protect yourself from costly Employment Tribunal claims.

What makes HR Expert (and our global team) the real deal?

HR Expert is a member’s only website. You need to be a member to download the legally compliant HR templates and HR documents. Select ‘Get Membership’ to sign up now.

HR Expert have a globally recognised team, and our founder has led award winning HR initiatives, being recognised from the Australian HR Institute and the Australian HR Awards.

How can Human Resource Expert (HR Expert) Australia help your business?

We specialise in HR templates and forms, hr audit templates, and hr templates for small business as well as medium to large enterprises. Your Membership with HR Expert gives you access to HR resources and HR documents on the site when you need it. As a Member, you will also receive regular email updates on changes in legislation and labour regulations and on new and updated HR Expert documents available for download.

Should you apply for a free Human Resource Expert (HR Expert) Australia online account..

There are HR Expert memberships suitable for every business and organisation, regardless of size. As a free member, you will have access to 15 sample HR forms, letters, policies and workflows to save you the trouble of writing and developing your own from scratch.