Human Resources (HR) Discipline and Termination | HR Expert
Find all the Human Resources (HR) discipline and termination templates to legally terminate an employee from your organisation. Managing the discipline and termination process in the workplace can be difficult. Our expert pre-written templates will help you easily manage a difficult process.
The discipline procedures set out the stages through which any disciplinary action should proceed. Usually the procedure is carried out in the following stages: informal warning (also known as performance counselling or coaching), formal warning, which may include a verbal warning, written warning or a final written warning, and finally, termination of employment (which may be with or without notice in line with the employment contract). An employee may be summarily dismissed (given instant dismissal without notice) in the event of serious misconduct. However the employment ends, it’s important to follow the rules about dismissal, notice and final pay. Browse our extensive library of letters and documents below:
Welcome to Human Resource Expert (HR Expert) Australia The Online HR Discipline and Termination Resource Centre
HR Expert Discipline and Termination Library: Use HR Expert’s discipline and termination templates to legally terminate an employee from your organisation. Our resources cover employee discipline practices, discipline and termination policy, discipline termination letter templates and discipline and termination in the workplace guidance for managers.
Our online HR resource centre includes a wide range of practical HR documents to help employers assess their HR risks and easily proceed with disciplining staff in your workplace. Our employee discipline and termination of employment resource library includes:
Discipline and Termination Templates
- Discipline and Termination Policy (See Policy and Procedure Section)
- Discipline & Termination Flowchart
- Template – Investigation Report
- Template – Record of Interview
Workplace Investigation Templates
- Letter to Complainant Regarding Investigation Outcome
- Letter to Respondent Regarding Investigation Outcome
- Letter to Witness Regarding Workplace Investigation
- Letter to Respondent Enclosing Summary of Allegations
- Letter to Respondent Regarding Workplace Investigation
- Letter to Complainant Regarding Workplace Investigation
- Internal Investigation Interview Protocol Template
- Managing Investigations Guidance Notes
Abandonment of Employment Templates
- Abandonment of Employment Request to Contact Letter
- Abandonment of Employment Termination Letter
Performance Improvement Template
- Template – Performance Improvement Plan
Termination of Employment Templates
- Letter to Employee – Request to Attend Meeting Regarding Proposed Dismissal (Summary Dismissal)
- Letter to Employee – Request to Attend Meeting Regarding Proposed Dismissal (For cause)
Discipline (Warning) Letter Templates
- Letter to Employee – Final Written Warning Regarding Unacceptable Conduct or Performance
- Letter to Employee – First or Second Written Warning Regarding Unacceptable Conduct or Performance
- Letter to Employee – Verbal Warning Regarding Unacceptable Conduct or Performance
- Letter to Employee – Invite to a Discipline Hearing Meeting (Performance or Misconduct)
- Letter to Employee – Request to Attend Investigation Interview (Performance)
- Letter to Employee – Request to Attend Investigation Interview (Misconduct)
Performance Counselling Templates
- Template – File Note to Document Conduct or Performance Issues
- Letter to Employee – Letter of Concern Following Performance Counselling (No Warning)
- Letter to Employee – Performance Counselling Outcome Confirmation
- Letter to Employee – Invitation to a Performance Counselling Session
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HR Expert have a globally recognised team, and our founder has led award winning HR initiatives, being recognised from the Australian HR Institute and the Australian HR Awards.
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We specialise in HR templates and forms, hr audit templates, and hr templates for small business as well as medium to large enterprises. Your Membership with HR Expert gives you access to HR resources and HR documents on the site when you need it. As a Member, you will also receive regular email updates on changes in legislation and labour regulations and on new and updated HR Expert documents available for download.
Should you apply for a free Human Resource Expert (HR Expert) Australia online account..
There are HR Expert memberships suitable for every business and organisation, regardless of size. As a free member, you will have access to 15 sample HR forms, letters, policies and workflows to save you the trouble of writing and developing your own from scratch.